
Natural ways out of stress

Valuable tips for mindfulness and stress management throughout the day

Our lives can be hectic, filled with deadlines, to-do lists and household chores. If the stress we feel gets out of hand, our bodies and souls can become unbalanced. These mindfulness exercises can help you stay calm and collected in stressful situations.

A method for mindful listening

Mindful listening can improve how we process disturbing and unpleasant sounds. Immerse yourself for a moment in the “sea of sounds”. Draw your awareness to the sounds and noises that enter your ears. Intentionally return to this awareness if your attention wanes or you become distracted.

Strengthen your willpower

Do something that isn’t part of your regular daily routine. Put a particular object – for example a book, paper clip or pen – in the same place at the same time every day. You can also change the object on a daily or weekly basis. This seemingly simple exercise helps draw your awareness to your own willpower and resolve.

Relaxation before bedtime

Avoid stimulating activities right before bed, such as TV shows or computer games. Instead, aim for a harmonious end to the day, for example by taking an evening walk. This helps keep your thoughts from racing as you fall asleep. It also calms you down and helps you fall asleep quicker. Yoga, meditation, or other stress-management exercises can also help you to become calmer and more relaxed before bed, leaving your stress and worries behind.

Conscious perception of nature

Hiking, walking, cycling – regular exercise in the fresh air reduces stress and brings us back into our own rhythm. It drives away negative thoughts, helps against nervousness and has a positive effect on our sleep and mood. Observe nature during your daily walk. Try to memorize everything you see, so you can compare the shapes and colours with the leaves and flowers you encounter on your next walk. Taking a mindful walk helps to counteract stress.

A balanced diet

In stressful times, a balanced diet is particularly important. Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts. It’s best to steer clear of sweets and fast food.

Yawning for pleasure

If you’re feeling nervous and tense, “yawning for pleasure” can be a great everyday help. Take time out throughout the day to consciously yawn and stretch with pleasure. This can also help relieve physical tension.

Rhythm in everyday life

Benefit from the structuring power of rhythm in everyday life. Organize your day into periods of work and rest by scheduling short breaks. Establishing a daily routine helps us to have more time for what’s important and a better work-life balance.

Light in the dark season

Especially in the dark season, the rhythm of the hormones that control our sleep-wake (circadian) rhythm can change. We might experience darker moods and feel more fatigued during this time. So even if the sky is overcast, it’s good to take a walk for at least half an hour every day to tank up on sunlight and vital energy, creating space for beautiful thoughts.

Warm baths for wellbeing

Warm baths help us to relax and let go of everyday worries. Natural bath additives with harmonising and relaxing essential oils support this effect.

Mindfulness to reduce everyday stress

Mindfulness exercises often involve taking time out to perform a simple activity with intention and consciously “slowing down” our lives. It helps us to get some distance from things that are bothering us and to clear our minds. Mindfulness restores our trust in ourselves, helps us to accept our weaknesses and awakens our strengths.

Three minutes of mindfulness for inner peace

This simple stress management exercise helps you to calm down and draw your awareness to yourself. Sit up straight in a comfortable position without leaning on anything. Rest your hands gently on your thighs. Be completely relaxed and focus your attention on the present moment.

Minute 1: What thoughts, emotions and feelings can you sense inside yourself? Take a moment to scan your body with your mind, moving from your feet to your head, paying particular attention to sensations of tightness or tension.

Minute 2: Now focus on your breathing, noticing how it feels throughout your body. Pay attention to the movement of your chest. Feel how your belly expands with each deep inhalation and then contracts with each exhalation.

Minute 3: Bring your awareness to your body as whole. If you sense negative thoughts, tension or other kind of resistance, breathe gently into the affected part of your body. Then let the breath flow again freely. Say to yourself “in” on the inhale and “out” on the exhale.